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Tadashi Kanzawa Book Promotion - Limited Time Only

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Welcome! We are proud to announce the translation into English of Tadashi Kanzawa's work! Fill out the information form to receive free copies of these recent publications! This promotion ends after 50 60 books are ordered. These books are expected to be published December 2017.

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Who is Tadashi Kanzawa?

Tadashi Kanzawa is a man has spent his lifetime researching the nature of healing. That is why Wheel of Knowledge Publishing sought him out and translated the works he has completed. Kanzawa's life achievements push the boundaries of scientific understanding. While most of his devotion is towards the art of healing, his revolutionary accolade is his understanding of 'Ki.' Kanzawa has traveled the world and been featured in a multitude of videos, including the HISTORY channel, for his ability to put animals to sleep from far distances.
While his most significant coverage was by the History Channel putting buffallos to sleep, he has performed even greater feats throughout Asia, involving heards of animals and even elephants. Below are videos of his feats.

Tadashi Kanzawa - HISTORY CHANNEL

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Tadashi Kanzawa - ASIA

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